Monday, April 20, 2009

Cambodian-Americans call for speed up in the trial of former KR leaders

19 April 2009
By Khim Sarang
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Socheata
Click here to read the article in Khmer

Cambodian people from many states in the US cannot forget 17 April 1975, the date when the Khmer Rouge took over Phnom Penh and started the killing of more than 2 million Cambodians during their 3 years, 8 months and 20 days reign.
Tung Yap, President of the Cambodian-Americans for Human Rights in Democracy (CAHRAD) organization, said that, besides the commemorations for the victims, his organization also appeals to the KR Tribunal to speed up the trial process for the former KR leaders, and to provide justice.

Tung Yap said: “Today, we are all gathering to light candles to commemorate all our compatriots who died during the Pol Pot genocidal regime. We pray that the spirits of these victims will push the KR Tribunal to speed up the trials prior to the death of the KR leaders, and that justice will be provided.”

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