Many people in Cambodia, including the Ministery of Women Affairs, are offended by the popular sexy Apsara pictures produced by I notice that some of these pictures are being posted on KC. Many people contend that the pictures border on pornography, degrade Khmer culture and women, and might even promote sex tourism to Cambodia.
Here are a couple of the controversial pictures. What do you think?
Many people in Cambodia, including the Ministery of Women Affairs, are offended by the popular sexy Apsara pictures produced by I notice that some of these pictures are being posted on KC. Many people contend that the pictures border on pornography, degrade Khmer culture and women, and might even promote sex tourism to Cambodia.
Here are a couple of the controversial pictures. What do you think?
Wednesday, 22 April 2009 Written by HENG CHIVOAN The Phnom Penh Post
A home stands perilously close to collapsing into the Tonle Sap river in Prey Leap, just outside Phnom Penh, on National Road 6 earlier this month. The owner has since fled the property, which is no longer safe to live in. River dredging has left homes along the river at risk from eroding riverbanks. (Photo by: DAP-News)
Wednesday, 22 April 2009 Written by HENG CHIVOAN The Phnom Penh Post
A home stands perilously close to collapsing into the Tonle Sap river in Prey Leap, just outside Phnom Penh, on National Road 6 earlier this month. The owner has since fled the property, which is no longer safe to live in. River dredging has left homes along the river at risk from eroding riverbanks. (Photo by: DAP-News)