Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Over-50s say they have the best sex of their lives

A majority of the over-fifties say they are having the best sex of their lives, a national survey has found. Most have sex two or three times a week with 7 per cent claiming to have it four times a week or more.

A majority of the over-fifties say they are having the best sex of their lives, a national survey has found. Most have sex two or three times a week with 7 per cent claiming to have it four times a week or more.

The survey of 8,000 over-fifties by Complan Active found that a third claimed they had had outdoor sex in the country, a fifth had indulged in a car and 2 per cent claimed they had joined the "mile-high club".

Donna Dawson, a psychologist and agony aunt, said: "Most over-fifties feel no different than they did when they were 30, and don't see why they should lose their zest for life.

"They may no longer be out to shock other generations but they still crave excitement and fun in their sex lives.

"Being more comfortable with their own bodies and self image means older couples are less inhibited. This allows them to be more adventurous than perhaps they could be when they were younger, when they may have felt more constrained by the conventions of their elders, and more task-driven."

The one thing that can sometimes dampen the ardour of the over-fifties is lack of energy, with more than 70 per cent admitting that their sex life could flag for this reason. Of the 8,000 over-fifties polled, more than 82 per cent were involved in a sexual relationship, and 80.6 per cent said they were still attracted to their partner "regardless of ageing".

A total of 54.9 per cent claimed their sex life was better than when they were younger, with most (27.4 per cent) claiming the improvement was because they had learnt what they liked and did not like in bed.

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