Tuesday, June 16, 2009


HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a kind of virus which ravages the immune system of human.
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a group of symptoms which exists when the immune system becomes weak.

HIV can transmit through 3 main ways on :
1. Unprotected sexual intercourse with person who is HIV positive
2. Through blood infected with HIV via transfusion or sharing sharp materials
such as needles or syringes contaminated with blood containing HIV
3. Through pregnant women infected with HIV to her baby with three steps:

▪ In the uterus
▪ At the time of birth
▪ During breastfeeding

Hiv can not transmit through


Public contact in a society

Sharing public toilets or bathrooms or swimming pool

Insect bite or sting

A visit to PLWA or kissing or hand shaking

Having meal together or live in the same house



Use condom regularly during sexual intercourse.

Do not share sharp materials such as needles or syringes with others


Until present time, no single has scientist found a way to destroy HIV; they can only have a medicine to prolong the life of PLWA (People living with AIDS). HIV does not kill human directly; it just ravages the immune system which makes persons infected with HIV easily get other diseases such as opportunity diseases so in order to cure AIDS is to cure the opportunity diseases.

The opportunity diseases which are mostly frequently found in

* Tuberculosis
* Respiratory manifestation: Pneumocystis Carinii
* Encephalitis
* Digestion manifestation
* Skin diseases
* Ganglion infection


Sexual diseases are kinds of disease which spread through on sexual intercourse without protection.

The main sexual diseases are:

* Syphilis
* Gonorrhea
* Wart
* Herpes
* Hepatitis B and C

Sexual transmitted diseases remains side effects seriously in the future if the person infected with HIV does not get treatment or proper treatment. If you have sexual disease and never had proper treatment before, you are at higher risk to be infected with HIV compared to normal persons during sexual intercourse with the partner HIV positive by not using any protections such as condom.


Therefore, if you have any one of sexual transmitted diseases, to avoid side effects in the future, you should bear in mind that you along with your partners must be hurry to see doctors at health centers, referral hospitals, and other NGOs clinics; this is the most effective method.


* Use condom regularly during sexual intercourse.
* Do not share sharp materials such as needles or syringes with others

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